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PDO-Day 2

Dulce and I woke up super early to visit the pool. I dipped my feet in and she attempted to do laps. No one else was in the pool room, but there was one guy in the workout room so we avoided it.

At this point I let Dulce know that I was latching on to her for the entire NSLIY trip. I had known her through the Kakao chat for a weeks prior to meeting in person, and she was super nice in person.

The entire day was an orientation, we had workshop after workshop about rules, safety, and culture shock. It was all very valuable information, and also allowed everyone to get know each other better as we constantly changed seats to discuss what we just went over.

The hotel we were in was super close to the airport so hour after hour we could hear planes fly by. It was pretty cool.

After the orientations, we were given A LOT of free time. I played card games, mafia, hung out in some rooms, walked around aimlessly, and more. At one point, Dulce and I watched Americas Got Talent in my room, we ate snacks and laughed over the horrible acts.

When it hit 10pm many people returned to their rooms because that was the "curfew". Later on, many people hung out in each others rooms, as long as we were quiet it was okay to leave. I decided to stay in and go to sleep early as a very long plane ride, and probably a sleepless night was in my future.

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